Faith, Young Adults, and Urban Partnernships

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16 - A day full of friends

Our Day at LIT started bright and early at Mercer Street Friends in Trenton, NJ there we spoke to the Supervisor of the Program who gave us a very detailed over view.  She explained that Mercer Street Friends is non-profit organization that was started by Quakers and is now funded by the state and other private donations.  Mercer Street Friends has an Adult Learning Center which helps people work towards a GED and help get them job-ready. They also work with children (they have a daycare), they have various food banks and they help provide home health care for the elderly.

After getting the run-down on how everything works, we were to put to work.  We bagged over 75 bags of food for families. After we bagged food, we headed back to St. Bart’s for the second day of VBS. The theme of the day was "Family and Friends helps us Stand Strong."  We used the story of Queen Esther and the King, and how Esther stood for her people and through her they were saved.  My favorite part of the day was hearing the kids reflect on the day and how to see how they really understood the story and related to the story.

 - Alexis

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